Imaging (WP18 NMI3-II)
Coordinator: Nikolay Kardjilov, HZB
Neutron imaging is a direct method for non-destructive investigations of objects in science and technology. Recently new innovative methods for neutron imaging are being developed which allow for investigations of micro and nanostructures in bulk materials. In addition, the interaction of the magnetic moment of the neutron with magnetic structures can be used for two- and three-dimensional visualisation of magnetic field and domain distributions.
This Joint Research Activity will concentrate on developing, on the one hand new methods which will allow to probe micro and nano structural properties of composite materials using imaging in real and reciprocal space.
Another task within the JRA will be to develop new tools using neutron scattering, which will complement the existing magnetic imaging techniques.
This project will develop new methods which can provide information on material and magnetic systems which are not accessible using any other experimental technique. The development of these new techniques has the potential of attracting a large number of people from the large communities of the nanomagnetism, engineering and generally from materials science.
For further information on Neutron Imaging you can check the WIKIPEDIA pages created by this WP at
Nikolay Kardjilov from HZB is the coordinator of the Imaging JRA. Watch him explaining how neutrons can help visualise materials.
Watch Zoltán Kis and László Szentmiklósi from the BNC describe their work as part of the Imaging JRA.