
The equipment produced during this JRA will enable development in many areas of science, by extending accessibility to higher sample pressures and temperatures and by providing gas sorption techniques over a broader range of conditions.
The list of publications below includes examples of the science already performed using the sample environment equipment funded and supported by the JRA project. The areas covered include the study of hydrogen storage materials, spin dynamics, magnetic structures and new catalysts as well as fundamental research of nanostructured (porous) materials, confined matter and solid-state chemistry. There are also publications which include more technical details about the design of the high pressure equipment and levitation furnaces.
List of Publications for Sample Environment JRA
Task 2 – High Pressure Gas Cells
- In-situ diffraction techniques for studying hydrogen storage materials under high hydrogen pressure, E. Mac A. Gray, C.J. Webb, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 37, (2012) 10182
- In-Operando Neutron Diffraction Studies of Transition Metal Hydrogen Storage Materials, K. Kamazawa, M. Aoki, T. Noritake, K. Miwa, J. Sugiyama, S-i. Towata, M. Ishikiriyama, S.K. Callear, M.O. Jones, and W.I.F. David, Advanced Energy Materials (2012) doi: 10.1002/aenm.201200390
- Pressure-dependent spin fluctuations and magnetic structure in the topologically frustrated spin glass alloy Y(Mn0.95Al0.05)2, M. T. F. Telling, K.S. Knight, F.L. Pratt, A.J. Church, P.P. Deen, K.J. Ellis, I. Watanabe and R. Cywinski, Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 184416
- Local magnetism in the molecule-based metamagnet [Ru2(O2CMe)4]3[Cr(CN)6] probed with implanted muons. T. Lancaster, Francis L. Pratt, Stephen J. Blundell, Andrew J. Steele, Peter J. Baker, Jack D. Wright, Isao Watanabe, Randy S. Fishman, and Joel S. Miller, Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) 092405
- Pressure Dependent Magnetism in Y1.05(Mn0.95Al0.05)2, K. J. Ellis, R. Cywinski, F. L. Pratt, M. T. F. Telling, Physics Procedia 30 (2012) 198 – 201
- Study on the pressure induced charge transfer phase transition in (C5H11)4N(FeIIFeIII(C2O2S2)3) by means of μSR spectroscopy, Masaya Enomoto, Noriyuki Kida, Norimichi Kojima, Isao Watanabe, Takao Suzuki, Yasuyuki Ishii, Polyhedron 30, (2011), 3137
- In situ powder neutron diffraction study of non-stoichiometric phase formation during the hydrogenation of Li3N D., Daniel J. Bull, Natalie Sorbie, Gael Baldissin, David Moser, Mark T. F. Telling, Ronald I. Smith, Duncan H. Gregory and D. Keith Ross, Faraday Discuss. 151 (2011) 263-270
- Structural characterisation of subcritical carbon dioxide confined in nanoporous carbon by in situ neutron diffraction, F K Katsaros, Th A Steriotis, K L Stefanopoulos, N K Kanellopoulos, A C Hannon and J D F Ramsay, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (2012) 012046
- A non-destructive experimental investigation of elastic plastic interfaces of autofrettaged thick-walled cylindrical aluminium high pressure vessels, Y. Ma, S.Y. Zhang, C. Goodway, R. Done, B. Evans, O. Kirichek and Z. Bowden, International Journal of High Pressure Research 32 (2012) 364
- Development of high pressure gas cells at ISIS, O. Kirichek, R. Done, C. M. Goodway, M. G. Kibble, B. Evans, and Z. A. Bowden, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 340 (2012) 012008
- Hydrogen gas sample environment for TOSCA, M. Kibble, A. J. Ramirez-Cuesta, C. M. Goodway, B. E. Evans and O. Kirichek, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2014)
Task 3 – High Temperature Furnaces
- Neutron scattering experiments on liquid droplets using electrostatic levitation, T. Kordel, D. Holland-Moritz, F. Yang, J. Peters, T. Unruh, T. Hansen and A. Meyer, Phys. Rev. B 83, 104205 (2011); editor's selection.
- Structural relaxation as seen by quasielastic neutron scattering on viscous Zr–Ti–Cu–Ni–Be droplets, F. Yang, T. Kordel, D. Holland-Moritz, T. Unruh and A. Meyer, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 254207 (2011).
- Nahordnung und atomare Dynamik in elektrostatisch levitierten Zr-Basis-Schmelzen Dissertation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum (2011), T. Kordel
- Does an icosahedral short-range order prevail in glass-forming Zr-Cu melts?, D. Holland-Moritz, F. Yang, T. Kordel, S. Klein, F. Kargl, J. Gegner, T. Hansen, J. Bednarcik, I. Kaban, O. Shuleshova, N. Mattern and A. Meyer, accepted for publication by European Physics Letters
Task 4 – Gas Adsorption Control Systems
- CO2 Adsorption to Sub-Single Hydration Layer Montmorillonite Clay Studied by Excess Sorption and Neutron Diffraction, G. Rother, E. S. Ilton, D. Wallacher, T. Hauß, H.T. Schaef, O. Qafoku, K.M. Rosso, A.R. Felmy, E.G. Krukowski, A. Stack, R. J. Bodnar, submitted to Environmental Science & Technology (2012)
- Distribution of functional groups in periodic mesoporous organosilica materials studied by small-angle neutron scattering with in situ adsorption of nitrogen, M. Sharif, D. Wallacher, M. Wark Beilstein, J. Nanotechnol. 3, 428 (2012)
- Probing the Room Temperature Deuterium Absorption Kinetics in Nanoscale Magnesium Based Hydrogen Storage Multilayers Using Neutron Reflectometry, X-ray Diffraction and Atomic Force Microscopy, P. Kalisvaart, E. Poirier, C.T. Harrower, A. Teichert , D. Wallacher, N. Grimm, R. Steitz, H. Fritzsche, D. Mitlin, J. Phys. Chem. 116, 5868 (2012)
- Density minimum of confined water at low temperatures: A combined study by small-angle scattering of X-rays and neutrons, M. Erko, D. Wallacher, A. Hoell, T. Hauß, I. Zizak, O. Paris, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14, 3852 (2012)
- Towards room temperature, direct, solvent free synthesis of tetraborohydrides, A. Remhof, Y. Yan, O. Friedrichs, J.W. Kim, Ph. Mauron, A. Borgschulte, D. Wallacher, A. Buchsteiner, A. Hoser, K.H. Oh, Y.W. Cho, A. Züttel, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 340, 12111 (2012)
- In situ neutron diffraction under high pressure—Providing an insight into working catalysts, T. Kandemir, D. Wallacher, T. Hansen, K.D. Liss , R. Naumann d’Alnoncourt, R. Schlögl, M. Behrens, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 673, 51 (2012)
- Gas-solid synthesis of LiBD4 studied by in-situ neutron diffraction, A. Remhof, O. Friedrichs, J.W. Kim, A. Borgschulte, A. Züttel, D. Wallacher, A. Hoser, submitted in ECNS Prag 2011 Proceedings: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS) (2011)
- Deuterium absorption in Mg70Al30 thin films with bilayer catalysts: A comparative neutron reflectometry study, E. Poirier, C.T. Harrower , P. Kalisvaart, A. Birda , A. Teichert, D. Wallacher, N. Grimm, R. Steitz, D. Mitlin, H. Fritzsche, J. Alloys and Compounds 509, 5466 (2011)
- Detection of homogeneous distribution of functional groups in mesoporous silica by small angle neutron scattering and in-situ adsorption of nitrogen or water, M. Sharifi, R. Marschall, D. Wallacher, M. Wark, Langmuir 27, 5516 (2011)
- In situ Neutron Diffraction Study of a Methanol Synthesis Catalyst under Working Conditions, T. Kandemir, D. Wallacher, M. Tovar, M. Behrens, Z., Anorg. Allg. Chem. 636, 2088 (2010)
- Methane storage mechanism in the Metal-Organic Framework Cu3(btc)2: An in situ neutron diffraction study, J. Getzschmann, I. Senkovska, D. Wallacher, M. Tovar, D. Fairen-Jimenez, T. Düren, J. M. van Baten, R. Krishna, S. Kaskel, Microporous & Mesoporous Materials 136, 50 (2010)
- BH4- Self-Diffusion in Liquid LiBH4, P. Martelli, A. Remhof, A. Borgschulte, P. Mauron, D. Wallacher, E. Kemner, M. Russina, F. Pendolino, A. Züttel, J. Phys. Chem. A 114, 10117 (2010)
- Core shell structure for solid gas synthesis of LiBD4, O. Friedrichs, J.W. Kim, A. Remhof, D. Wallacher, A. Hoser, Y.W. Cho, K.H. Oh, A. Züttel, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 4600 (2010)
- Adsorption in Periodically Ordered Mesoporous Organosilica Materials Studied by in-situ Small-angle X-ray Scattering and Small-angle Neutron Scattering, S. Mascotto, D. Wallacher, A. Kuschel, S. Polarz , G. Zickler, A. Timmann, B. Smarsly, Langmuir 26, 6583 (2010)
- In-situ Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Study of Pore Filling and Pore Emptying in Ordered Mesoporous Silica, M. Erko, D. Wallacher, A. Brandt, O. Paris, J. App. Cryst. 43, 1 (2010)
- Hydrogen cycling behavior of LiBD4/Al studied by in situ neutron diffraction, A. Remhof, O. Friedrichs, F. Buchter, P. Mauron, J.W. Kim, K.H. Oh, A. Buchsteiner, D. Wallacher, A. Züttel, J. Alloys and Compounds 484, 654 (2009)
- Analysis of Microporosity in Ordered Mesoporous Hierarchically Structured Silica by Combining Physisorption With in Situ Small-Angle Scattering (SAXS and SANS), S. Mascotto, D. Wallacher, A. Brandt, T. Hauss, M. Thommes, G. Zickler, S. Funari, A. Timmann, B. M. Smarsly, Langmuir 25, 12670 (2009)