14th REIMEI Workshop on Spin Currents and Related Phenomena
Date 10. February 2014 - 13. February 2014
ILL, Grenoble, France
The fourteenth Reimei International Workshop on “Spin Current and Related Phenomena” will be held at the ILL, Grenoble, France, on February 10-13, 2014.
“Reimei” means “Dawn” in Japanese, and it is the name of a collaborative research program run by the Advance Science Research Center of the JAEA.
In this workshop, specialists in spintronics, as well as in a few related fields of magnetism, such as actinide physics and neutron scattering, will get together and discuss recent results and future collaborations.
In the evening of February 9 (Sunday), an informal dinner will be arranged by the ILL. In addition to the formal program from February 10-12, Thursday, February 13, is devoted to free discussions.
OrganiserILL and Advanced Science Research Center, JAEA
Contact E-Mail URL AddressInstitut Laue Langevin
6, rue Jules Horowitz
38042 Grenoble, France