Gordon Research Conference on Neutron Scattering

Date 21. June 2015 - 26. June 2015


Hong Kong, China


Neutron Scattering: A Powerful Tool for Materials Research and Industrial Development

This new Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Neutron Scattering, to be held in Hong Kong in 2015, will feature world-leading neutron scattering scientists who will share and discuss their latest discoveries in the GRC (interactive) style. As it is impossible to capture all new activities over a very diverse field of neutron scattering studies, the conference will instead focus on selected topics that have seen rapid developments over the last few years. Innovative instrumentation is the backbone of scientific discoveries, and thus one of the nine sessions will be devoted to discussions of the performance of innovative instruments. A diverse and vibrant user community is vital for the success of the neutron scattering facilities. We thus particularly encourage the participation of young scientists, to learn and profit from interactions with leading scientists in neutron scattering in the casual environment provided by the conference.

Application deadline: May 24, 2015

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