ECIS2014 – the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society

Date 07. September 2014 - 12. September 2014


Haifa, Israel


Israel Institute of Technology warmly invites you to join in at ECIS2014 – the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society to take place at the Dan Carmel Hotel and the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 7-12 September, 2014. The meeting is organized as a joint effort of representatives from the 6 major Israeli universities.

ECIS2014 aims to bring fundamental and emerging trends in all aspects of colloid science, and to provide opportunities for chemists, physicists, biologists and engineers to exchange knowledge and promote collaborations. We especially encourage young scientists to attend and present their work, and to benefit from the vibrant scientific environment.

The program will begin on Sunday evening with a reception, and will continue until midday on Friday. Prior to the meeting we will hold a 2.5-day training course on electron microscopy (EM) and cryo-electron microscopy (CryoEM) methods. The meeting further hosts a COST action workshop on Colloidal Aspects of Nanoscience for Innovative Processes and Materials.

In the updated site kindly find detailed information on the venue, topics, invited speakers, ECIS training course, presenting opportunities, prizes, important dates, sightseeing, and more. Please note that the site is now open for registration and abstract submission.


The meeting is organized as a joint effort of representatives from the 6 major Israeli universities.

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