Neutron Scattering in Magnetic Fields Above 15 Tesla

Date 29. October 2014 - 30. October 2014


Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Lise-Meitner-Campus in Berlin-Wannsee.



The scope of the workshop is to bring together experts doing research in high magnetic fields above 15 T with the focus on neutron scattering. We want to provide an information platform for researchers regarding the future use of the high?field facility capable to generate magnetic fields as high as 25+ T at HZB. Identification of possible future experiments using this facility is one of the main workshop topics. The workshop covers a broad field of topics ranging from the neutron diffraction and scattering in high magnetic fields and sample environment for neutron sciences up to fundamental physics problems in high magnetic fields.

Practical information on how to apply for experimental beamtime will be provided.

The Registration Fee is 100 Euro. This fee includes the workshop material and covers the coffee breaks, lunches and workshop dinner.

Topics covered will be



Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie

Contact Name

Prof. Dr. Bella Lake




(030) 8062-42058