ISIS Neutron Training Course
Date 16. June 2015 - 25. June 2015
ISIS Neutron Spallation Source, Rutherford Appleton Lab, Oxfordshire,UK
The ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques.
Due to the long ISIS shutdown currently in progress, the next ISIS neutron training course will be held later than usual: 16-25 June.
Registration for the course will open on the 5th of Jan 2015 and will close on the 5th of Mar 2015.
Please see the following link for more information about the course and how to apply:
ISIS Neutron Training Course 2015
Outline of Course
- Basic Principles: Neutron Time-of-flight, Detectors, Neutron materials and interations, Instrument Components, Neutron Scattering Theory
- Soft Matter: Sample preperation and deuteration, Small-angle neutron scattering, Neutron reflectometry
- Physics: Neutron diffraction, magnetic Rietveld refinement (Fullprof), inelastic scattering – polycrystals and single crystals
- Chemistry and Materials: Powder and single crystal diffraction, Rietveld refinement (GSAS), Molecular Spectroscopy, Diffuse scattering, Non-crystalline materials scattering
- Optional Modules: Computational methods (DFT), Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Quasi-elastic Scattering, Biological SANS data reduction, Polarized reflectometry, Strain in Materials
Course includes accommodation at Cosener’s House in Abingdon, and travel expenses (within the UK) – and is free to participating students.
Course Organizers:
Helen Walker
Alex Hannon
Christy Kinane
Helen Walker, Alex Hannon, Christy Kinane
Contact NameHelen Walker
E-Mail URL