Structure and Dynamics of Polymer Nanocomposites
Date 22. June 2015 - 24. June 2015
Montpellier, France
This workshop will be held at Hotel Mercure in downtown Montpellier. It will bring together about 50 scientists from academia and industry. It will focus on polymer nanocomposites, from synthesis to physical characterization, modeling and applications, with a mix of top-level invited speakers and contributed talks.
A.-C. Genix, J. Oberdisse, C. Eve,
M. Meireles (Toulouse), J. Jestin (Saclay)
List of invited speakers
- BOURGEAT-LAMI Elodie, C2P2, CNRS-CPE-Univ. Lyon1
- CASALINI Riccardo, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington
- CERVENY Silvina, CSIC, San Sebastian
- CLARKE Nigel, University of Sheffield
- COMPOSTO Russell, University of Pennsylvania
- CONZATTI Lucia, CNR, Genova
- DALMAS Florent, INSA, Lyon
- DUCROT Etienne, CSMR, New-York University
- KLÜPPEL Manfred, DIK, Hannover
- KRUTYEVA Margarita, Forschungszentrum, Jülich
- PAPON Aurélie, Solvay – Silica, Collonges
- PEUVREL-DISDIER Edith, MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis
- SHINOHARA Yuya, University of Tokyo
- SOKOLOV Alexei, University of Tennessee
- WINEY Karen, University of Pennsylvania
Abstracts for oral communications and PhD soundbites can be submitted by email. Deadline : 31/03/2015
Registration open now: SDPN2015
Registration (including lunch & social dinner):
Students and scientists from sponsors : 160 €, Normal : 200 €
Deadline : 30/04/2015
Contact URL
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