Neutron Imaging and tomography: New applications and developments
Date 10. May 2015 - 10. June 2015
Evian les Bains
A Workshop on Neutron Imaging and Tomography will be organized before the Rossat-Mignot days on the 5 and 6th of October at Evian les Bains. Neutron imaging and tomography is one of the topic for which there has never been a dedicated discussion within the French neutron community.
The focus of this workshop is to present the state of the art of neutron imaging and tomography techniques to image large objects (10-100mm) with spatial resolutions in the range 10-100µm.
The complementarity of the different imaging techniques such as X-ray, NMR and neutron will also be discussed. A wide range of topics will be covered: liquid flows in porous materials, agrofood applications, metallurgy, cultural heritage and archeology….
Invited speakers
- J. Baruchel (ESRF)
- P. Boillat (PSI)
- E. Lehmann (PSI)
- P. Levitz (UPMC)
- D. Sakellariou (CEA)
- M. Strobl (ESS)
More detailed information can be found on the Website:
French Neutron Community
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