MATRAC 1 - Summer School 2015
Date 21. September 2015 - 25. September 2015
Ammersbek (near Hamburg) and at GEMS/DESY in Hamburg, Germany
The Summer School will provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials. Students and young scientists from research and industry from all of Europe interested in this field are welcome to participate.
The school will take place from September 21 to 25, 2015 in Ammersbek (near Hamburg) and at GEMS/DESY in Hamburg. The focus of the practical training will be on synchrotron experiments. Neutron data analysis will also be practised. Therefore the participants will spend two days doing experiments at GEMS/DESY.
The Summer School is significantly funded by German and Swedish authorities for their respective students. Therefore, the participation fee amounts to 50 €. Students from other European countries can request reimbursement of their travel expenses from a NMI3 grant applicable for this school.
The fee includes accomodation and food for the duration of the school as well as the book “Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science” which has resulted from previous summer schools with the same title.
A registration form will be provided within short. Please use this form to register and send in parallel an e-mail with a short CV (pdf document, maximum one page, including the status of your education, if applicable the topic of your thesis) to:
Registration deadline: 31 May 2015
Decision about participation: end of June 2015
Payment deadline: mid July 2015
Payment details will be sent to you when a decision about the participation has been made.
OrganiserProf. Dr. A. Schreyer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany)
Contact NameNicola Kampner (Ms)
E-Mail URL Phone+49-4152-87-2555
AddressInstitute of Materials Reseach
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Centre for Materials and Coastal Research
Max-Planck-Str. 1
21502 Geesthacht