Jülich Soft Matter Days 2015
Date 10. November 2015 - 13. November 2015
Bad Honnef, Germany
Soft Matter Science has emerged in recent years as an independent and interdisciplinary research field, bringing together scientists from condensed matter physics, macromolecular and physical chemistry, and molecular and cell biology. The systems investigated in this field include colloidal dispersions, polymer solutions, mixtures and melts, block copolymers, binary and ternary amphiphilic systems (microemulsions), membranes, vesicles and biological macromolecules, and active systems such as synthetic and biological microswimmers. While many of these systems have already been investigated for a long period of time, only recently have their common features and interactions come into focus.
These highly complex materials are characterized by structural units with typical length scales ranging from nanometers to micrometers. The experimental and theoretical investigations involved, as well as the understanding of the properties of these materials pose enormous challenges due to their high complexity, the large number of cooperative degrees of freedom, and the large range of relevant length, time and energy scales.
Therefore, we are organizing the workshop Jülich Soft Matter Days 2015
on the physics and chemistry of mesoscopically structured systems. We hope that this workshop will provide a forum to share and discuss the latest advances for all active researchers in this field.
We intend to focus on:
- Active Matter
- Biological Matter
- Colloids
- Flow and Rheology
- Functional Soft Matter
- Polymers
Institute of Complex Systems
Contact NameMarie Göcking
E-Mail URLhttp://www.fz-juelich.de/ics/ics-2/EN/Leistungen/ConferencesAndWorkshops/JSMD/JSMD2015/_node.html
Phone+49 2461 61-2292