Jülich Biotech Day
Date 30. October 2015
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
White biotechnology bridges the gap between sustainable natural ressources and valuable chemical products and, thus, plays a central role in building up a future knowledge-based bioeconomy. In particular, white biotechnology reduces our dependency on fossil fuels and offers large opportunities to synthesize platform chemicals, fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals and proteins using the biocatalytic power of microorganisms or isolated enzymes.
At the Jülich Biotech Day, experts from academia and industry will present current highlights and trends in this exciting field of research and development.
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Contact NameDr. Melanie Brocker
E-Mail URLhttp://www.fz-juelich.de/conferences/BiotechDay/EN/Service/contacts/_node.html
Phone+49 2461 61-5168