Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements

Date 11. April 2016 - 15. April 2016


Paraninfo Building of the University of Zaragoza, Spain


SCTE provides a forum for discussion on fundamental and applied research in the areas of solid state chemistry, physics and materials science of compounds containing d- and f- elements. The SCTE conference has always been promoted by the individuals forming the International Honorary and Advisory Committees.

The proceedings of the SCTE2016 will be published in a special issue of SOLID STATE PHENOMENA by TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS, commemorating the 20th edition of the SCTE conference. A copy of the proceedings and web access to the papers will be granted to all registered participants.

The scope of the Conference includes the following Topics:

and Materials:

SCTE 2016 will present plenary and invited lectures by leading Scientist, keynote and oral talks, and poster presentations.

Abstract submission deadline: January 18th, 2016


CSIC, ICMA, Uni. Zaragoza

Contact Name

Juan Bartolomé
