R&D: results
Updates on the work developed within this JRA can be found in the videos below. Find out about the latest goals, achievements, and challenges!
15.12.2015 – Imaging JRA – latest achievements
It is time for a summary of the achievements of this JRA. New methods now provide information on material and magnetic systems which are not accessible using any other experimental technique. Read more.
09.07.2015 - How to probe tiny samples? Insights into the production of micron-sized cold neutron beams
The NMI3 Imaging JRA discusses how to produce smaller beams. They conclude that reflective optics offers the most versatile way to produce them. Read more.
07.04.2014 - JRA Series: Imaging - Neutrons help visualising materials
New imaging methods will offer new possibilities to physicists, material scientists, engineers, palaeontologists, archaeologists, and others, so that they can obtain better information on their objects of study. See our video and article here !
16.09.2013 - JRA series: Imaging at BNC
Watch Zoltán Kis and László Szentmiklósi from the BNC describe their work as part of the Imaging JRA.