Monte Carlo and Data Analysis (WP16)

Coordinator: , UCPH


Software development is a key aspect of the operation of neutron/muon facilities and is of increasing importance. However, there is a great deal of ´repetition´ – development of different code, but with similar functionality, in multiple places. This is not an efficient use of resources. This work package has organised regular networking meetings between developers to:


Task 16.1 Monte Carlo networking

Coordinator: University of Copenhagen – UCPH
Monte Carlo (MC) simulation software has been one of the major successes of EU funded neutron/muon projects through several Framework Programmes. There are a small number of codes, which are developed as collaborations across multiple sites throughout the world and are now an integral part of instrument design. Not only are they now used to design and optimise the performance of neutron/muon instruments and components, they are even playing a role in optimising the cost relative to the performance.

Many of the NMI3 JRAs include essential tasks involving the writing of new parts of these codes, corresponding to the new instrument components being developed. Since there is no longer a specific JRA devoted to such software development tasks, as there was in NMI3/FP6, it is necessary to maintain the interactions between the developers through continued networking. This is the role of this task.

Task 16.2 Data analysis networking

Coordinator: Science and Technology Facilities Council – STFC
There has been less general success between neutron/muon facilities concerning collaboration on data analysis software development. At this stage it is considered more effective to encourage general collaboration through improved networking rather than to target specific areas for codevelopment. It is hoped that some co-developments will then arise naturally, and others can be the topic of a later JRA. The initial meeting will concentrate on obtaining a comprehensive overview of current developments/capabilities. Depending on the results, later meetings may be focussed on specific topics where there is the greatest potential for co-development or code sharing. Possible topics which have already been identified are single crystal time-of-flight spectroscopy, Rietveld refinement and off-specular reflection.