Changes on the agenda of the General Assembly
The agenda of the NMI3 final GA and SINE2020 kick-off meeting is now ready. The main change is that the NMI3 board meeting will take place on Thursday.

The meeting will take place next week on October 14-16 in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The final agenda is now ready and there has been some changes in the programme, namely the NMI3 board meeting is now on Thursday. For further details please download the agenda below.
Wednesday October 14th
- Work-packages meetings
Thursday October 15th
- NMI3 General Assembly with invited speakers and WP presentations
- Foresight meeting for the future of I3 projects (Board members only)
- Evening: social dinner
Friday October 16th
- SINE2020 Kick-off meeting
Event website:
Download the meeting agenda - updated 06/10/2015