20. October 2014 - 23. October 2014 JCNS Workshop on Neutron Instrumentation

Tutzing near Munich, Germany


From spallation to continuous neutron sources: a positive feedback on neutron instrumentation

After several years of high intensity efforts to design a suite of modern instruments for the ESS the neutron community is looking forward to the start of its construction. The design studies have demonstrated that a tremendous increase of flux can be expected at the instruments.

Thus, at a first glance a migration of the user community to the European flagship source can be expected. However, the scientist and engineers at the existing continuous sources will intensify their efforts to improve their instrumentation considerably and make it even more attractive.

The JCNS-Workshop 2014 will be devoted to this expected challenge. It will bring neutron scientists working at spallation and continuous neutron sources together to consider the recent developments for the ESS through the prism of their use for instrumentation at continuous sources. There is an obvious need to discuss on how the stockpile of knowledge and new ideas can be fruitfully used for the improvement of the existing instrumentation.


Jülich Centre for Neutron Science at MLZ

Contact Name

Rainer Bruchhaus and Franziska Michel




