ILL, Grenoble, France
DescriptionThe final meeting of the NMI3-II Data Analysis workpackage (WP6) will take place on the June 17th 2014 afternoon, at the ILL, Grenoble, France. This meeting will be held in the Seminar Room of the brand new Science building, in collaboration with the Integrated User Access workpackage (WP5, 17th in the morning).
The tentative WP5 meeting topics are (June 17th 9am, Science Building, Seminar room ground floor) :
- welcome (9 am)
- final report on cross facility beam time access (K. Pranzas, F. Casurghi)
- first version of software package prototype on integrated user registration and proposal submission (N. Leidel)
- discussion on requirements for software prototypes
The tentative WP6 programme is the following (June 17th 2pm, Science Building, Seminar room ground floor) :
- Welcome (2 pm)
- Presentation of Task 2 report (D6.2)
- Task 3/4 (D6.3/4) pre-report: status of prototypes and their evaluation
- Outcome of the WP6
- end of the meeting (6 pm)
Contact NameGiovanna Cicognani
E-Mail URL