28. October 2012 - 31. October 2012 EPDIC 13, 13th European Powder Diffraction Conference

Grenoble, France


NEWS : Deadline for abstracts is postponed to July 15

The EPDIC13 meeting will follow the established successful scheme with plenary lectures and microsymposia introduced by keynotes. Submitted contributions will be presented either orally in a session (if selected by the chair) or during the poster sessions.
A commercial and scientific exhibition will complete the program. Topics covered are instruments and methods on one side and materials on the other.


Professor Paolo Scardi EPDIC Chairman, Doctor Pierre Bordet Chair of EPDIC13

Contact URL



Contact for registration:

For any information regarding registration and administrative handling of the conference, please send an email at congres@floralis.fr with the mention “EPDIC13 conference”
For any other information regarding the conference, please contact pierre.bordet@grenoble.cnrs.fr