Detectors JRA - latest achievements

It is time for a summary of the achievements of this JRA, which aims to develop two promising detector technologies to cope with the high cost and near unavailability of 3He.

NMI3, 10/12/2015

Neutron scattering facilities have, for many years, depended on the availability of 3He for a large fraction of their detector requirements. Within the last 2–3 years demand for 3He, driven largely by the US homeland security requirements, has lead to an unprecedented rise in the cost of 3He and its unavailability for all but the smallest of systems.

For neutron scattering facilities to function effectively it is thus crucial that alternative, cost effective detector technologies are developed. The Detectors Joint Research Activity (JRA) focuses on the development of two promising detector technologies which could alleviate the dire situation now facing the facilities as a result of the high cost and near unavailability of 3He. The main objective of this JRA is the development of detector technologies to replace 3He detector technology in neutron scattering applications.

For more information about the different tasks of this JRA please visit this page .

Achievements of each task


High field spectrometer

Development of scintillation detectors


The plasma jet when boron is injected.

Development of gas detectors based on solid 10B converter


High field spectrometer
High field spectrometer
MWPC Concept detector using macro structured converter
MWPC Concept detector using macro structured converter
10B APS sample
10B APS sample

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