NMI3 Industry Events
Research and Industry

NMI3 is organising a number of events to explore interaction between neutron and muon facilities with industry. This consists of three events:
- The Industry as a supplier workshop to our facilities, in July 2013, brought together suppliers of key equipment for neutron and muon instruments with people from the facilities who are responsible for purchasing and procurement and the clients who are the facility engineers and scientists.
- In the First Industry Advisory Board (IAB) meeting , in December 2013, NMI3 will join forces with the EC synchrotron I3, CALIPSO, to create a combined Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) composed of 7 experts from each project.
- The Second IAB meeting on 19-21 November 2014 in Athens, concentrated on the necessary boundary conditions for a successful industrial user relationship.
The purpose of these meetings is to define how this interaction between facilities and industry can be improved and developed in the forthcoming Horizon 2020 programme.
Useful links:
- ICNS workshop webpage – Industry as a supplier
- First IAB meeting webpage
- Our review article: Bridging research and industry: the NMI3 Industry events
- Our report on the IAB meeting: Industrial use of photon & neutron techniques: an opportunity for new businesses?
- Our review of the Industry Events in the journal Notiziario: Enhancing interaction between industry and large-scale research facilities
Report: Outcome from the joint CALIPSO-NMI3 Industrial Advisory Board meeting