Joint Research Activities
Transnational collaborations for technical innovation in Neutron and Muon research
Our Joint Research Activities (JRAs) are scientific collaborations aiming to develop new instrumentation and techniques for neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy.
Our long-term objective is to improve the research possibilities for European neutron & muon users.
Each JRA is a collaboration between scientists from different institutions in different countries. Some JRAs have collaborators in Australia, Japan, the USA and Russia.

Watch ILL researchers Bruno Guerard, Trevor Forsyth, Eddy Lelievre-Berna, talk about the advantages of working as part of a NMI3 project.
Our current list of JRAs includes:
- Advanced methods and techniques
Coordinated by Javier Campo, ICMA (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragon), Spain
- Advanced Neutron Tools for Soft and Bio-Materials
Coordinated by Annie Brulet, LLB/ Comissariat a l´Energie Atomique, France
- Detectors
Coordinated by Nigel Rhodes, ISIS/ Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK
- Imaging
Coordinated by Nikolay Kardjilov, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
- Muons
Coordinated by Stephen Cottrell, ISIS/ Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK
Our list of JRAs under FP7-I included:
- Deuteration
Coordinated by Trevor Forsyth, Institut Laue Langevin, France
- Detectors
Coordinated by Karl Zeitelhack, FRM II/Technische Universität München, Germany
- Neutron Optics
Coordinated by Frédéric Ott, LLB/ Comissariat a l´Energie Atomique, France
- Polarised Neutrons
Coordinated by Alexander Ioffe, Jülich Centre for Neutron Science, Germany
- Sample Environment
Coordinated by Zoe Bowden, ISIS/ Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK