Newsletter – Inside NMI3
We prepared an electronic newsletter nearly once per month with news about neutron and muon research experiments, events, interviews and much more.
We also post our news on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
_We're no longer producing NMI3 newsletters. To receive the latest news please visit
To read our e-newsletters please click on the images below.
e-newsletter 36 - April 2016
- Schools to receive SINE2020 support announced
- Have you checked the neutron scattering e-learning platform yet?
- Watch the NMI3 videos on YouTube!
- SINE2020 has a new Industrial Liaison Officer
- REMINDER: NOW open – FREE analysis of your material or device at neutron research facilities
- PSI is looking for a Director of the neutrons and muons division
- Helmut Schober to be the next ILL Director
e-newsletter 35 - March 2016
- Neutron scattering e-learning platform is now online
- VIDEO: New stopped-flow observation head for simpler and cheaper SANS experiments
- School dates: JCNS Lab School and FullProf
- Explaining neutron scattering to children in their mother tongue
- Mark Johnson to be next ILL UK Associate Director and Head of Science
- CFP on French neutron scattering instruments: deadline April 1st
- Communicating collaboration – comms officers met in Lund
- Neutrons for Industry: SINE2020 aims and open call
e-newsletter 34 - February 2016
- Big progress in the production of model biological membranes
- Two new videos: – Step-by-step to a neutron experiment with bio matter – A new pressure cell for SANS experiments up to 500 MPa
- Andreas Schreyer is the new director for science at ESS
- Job: Post-Doctoral Fellow in Biochemistry at the ILL / SINE2020
- ISIS summer student scheme
e-newsletter 33 - January 2016
- Cholesterol levels affect our body’s capacity to receive medicines
- Neutrons reveal distribution of flux-tube islands
- Report on the HZG school 2015
- REMINDER: Call for proposals for funding of neutron and muon introductory schools
- is now online
- Proposal deadlines and Operating times on
e-newsletter 32 - December 2015
- New video: NMI3 – The benefits of European Collaboration
- Latest achievements of the WP's on: Integrated User Access, Detectors, Imaging
- Funding for schools
- Job at the PSI
e-newsletter 31 - November 2015
- New video: Mark Johnson on the impact of NMI3
- Superconductivity can promote magnetization, paving the way to energy-efficient supercomputers
- 140 scientists met in Copenhagen for the NMI3 and SINE2020 meetings
- Job vacancies at the ILL and ESS
e-newsletter 30 - October 2015
- Calls for proposals at BNC, ISIS and PSI – deadline is soon!
- Changes on the agenda of the General Assembly
- School: reminder of registration for the Fan du LLB school
- Job: Post-doc position at Uni. Parma
e-newsletter 29 - September 2015
- Science, tapas, t-shirts and M&M’s at the ECNS
- Advanced Neutron Tools for Soft and Bio Materials JRA – latest achievements
- Open registration for schools: Berlin, Fan du LLB, FullProf
- Job: the ILL is looking for an Industrial Liaison Officer
- LLB calls for proposals: the deadline is October 1st 2015
- Reminders: NMI3 GA and ENSA Brochure
e-newsletter 28 - August 2015
- Achievements of the Advanced Methods & Techniques JRA
- Magnets made of non-magnetic metals
- The European Commission and ILL have both signed the SINE2020 Grant Agreement
- Win a t-shirt at the NMI3 stand at ECNS!
- New ENSA Brochure on “Neutrons for science and technology”
- Helmut Rauch to receive 2015 Walter Hälg Prize
- European Commission Establishes ESS as a ERIC
- Job at PSI: Beamline Scientist / Project Leader for the imaging station at ESS
e-newsletter 27 - July 2015
- The Pristerodon
- How to probe tiny samples?
- New type of radiofrequency spin flippers for Neutron Resonance Spin Echo
- Events: JDN23 and NMI3 General Assembly
- Jobs at Uni. Parma and PSI
- List of Open Access Journals on
e-newsletter 26 - June 2015
- Schools – deadline for registration: PSI and MATRAC
- Upcoming events with NMI3: NMI3 at the ECNS and programme, and the NMI3 final General Assembly
- Event report: NMI3 was at the Public Awareness of Research Infrastructures workshop
e-newsletter 25 - May 2015
- SINE2020 – New neutron project approved by the European Commission
- Final NMI3-II General Assembly and SINE2020 kick-off meeting
- BNC: Call for proposals – deadline May 31
- Dates announced for the MATRAC school
- New profile on “Women in Science”: Kirrily Rule
e-newsletter 24 - April 2015
- Scientific highlights on natural gas storage and transportation, detox enzymes and focusing guides
- Schools – deadline for registration: Oxford School on Neutron Scattering & PSI summer school
- Call for Proposals for the PSI-SINQ cycle II/15
- Baton change at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum
e-newsletter 23 - March 2015
- SANS: a unique technique to look inside plants’ leaves
- Will we have stronger, enduring teeth? New material for tooth fillings is being investigated
- Superstructure in Heusler alloys discovered
- The BER II neutron source is back in operation
- Call for proposals at the LLB: deadline May 1
- Integrated User Access – deliverables and minutes
- Call for nominations for the 7th Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize
e-newsletter 21 - February 2015
- Egyptian statuettes of Osiris
- Fostering collaboration between Industry and Research Infrastructures
- Dates announced for NMI3 Schools: Oxford, JCNS Lab Course, PSI and CETS
- BornAgain 1.0.0 released
- The 2015 Walter Hälg Prize
e-newsletter 21 - January 2015
- How to make train rails as straight as they should be
- From ash to eco-friendly solution for hazardous metals removal
- Dates announced for the Italian School “Learning Days”
- The 2015 European Conference on Neutron Scattering
- The International Society for Sample Environment
- Call for nominees for the Guinier Prize
e-newsletter 20 - December 2014
- Muons help understand mechanism behind hydrogen storage
- Biosensors will benefit from new method to produce membranes
- The 18th JCNS Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering
- Educational Resources – new link!
- The new Chairman of ENSA
- Job vacancies at ESS and ISIS
e-newsletter 19 - November 2014
- The hearing of the Kawingasaurus fossilis
- First meeting of European User Offices
- Second Industry Advisory Board meeting
- School date: FullProf and Fan du LLB
- Women in Science
- @NeutronSources
e-newsletter 18 - October 2014
- A novel technology to produce large-scale neutron converters
- The official McStas 2.1 release
- NMI3 GA, Future Muon Sources workshop
- NaMES schools: Fan du LLB and HERCULES
- CFP for neutron experiments at PSI
- The construction of the ESS
e-newsletter 17 - September 2014
- Neutrons shed light on how to make pregnancy tests more sensitive and cheaper
- The NMI3 General Assembly
- Calls for proposals at the BNC and LLB
- Registration for the Berlin Neutron School on Neutron Scattering
e-newsletter 16 - July 2014
- New humidity chamber
- Registration for the NMI3 General Assembly 2014
- The 2014 ISIS Muon Spectroscopy Training School – conversation with participants
- New profile on Women in Science: Linda Udby
- Nature Milestones in Crystallography
e-newsletter 15 - June 2014
- The Baltic Neutron School – conversations with participants
- Coming soon: International school “Crystallography and Neutrons”
- New link on our educational resources
- European User Office Meeting 2014
- New profiles on Women in Science
e-newsletter 14 - May 2014
- A single platform to apply for neutron experiments
- EC's review report on NMI3
- PR's meeting at MLZ
- History pages on
- Dates for the Fan du LLB school
- PostDoc Position at LLB
- New links to Educational Resources
e-newsletter 13 - April 2014
- A multi-angle light scattering setup
- New video: Neutrons help visualising materials – Imaging JRA
- Report on the Berlin School
- Women in Science
- Calls for Proposals at MLZ and PSI
- Job opening at DTU
e-newsletter 12 - March 2014
- A new pressure cell
- A Neutron-Muon software Debian repository
- Open registrations for the PSI, Learning Days, and JCNS Lab Course schools
- NMI3 Industry – presentations
- Neutron website and mailing list
- 40 years of the proton accelerator at PSI
e-newsletter 11 - February 2014
- The Detectors JRA
- NMI3 schools: call for registration, new webpage and resources
- MLZ call for proposals
- New link on Women in Science
e-newsletter 10 - January 2014
- The first Industry Advisory Board meeting
- The advanced neutron tools for soft and bio-materials JRA
- Special feature: Muons at ISIS
- Baltic Neutron School – Call for registrations
- New director at ILL
- MLZ: Call for Proposals
e-newsletter 9 - December 2013
- NMI3 WP leaders meet to discuss the project’s future
- 2 leaflets on high field muon spectroscopy
- Videos and articles about the HZG, Fan du LLB and FullProf Schools
e-newsletter 8 - November 2013
- Scientific Highlights: water uptake by plants & biological membranes
- Industry Events: registration & review article
- Education: e-learning, NaMES & new educational resources
- Members: Advisory Committee & ESS
e-newsletter 7 - October 2013
- NMI3 Joint Research Activities: Detectors
- Deadlines for submission of proposals at ISIS and PSI
- NMI3 supported schools: report on the JCNS and Oxford schools and Bombannes dates
- Next NMI3 meetings
- Updates on our website
e-newsletter 6 - September 2013
- LiveDVD for testing/installing software
- Imaging JRA
- Proposal submission deadlines
- School reports and dates
- The first Industry Advisory Board meeting
e-newsletter 5 July 2013
- the recently launched website
- the NMI3-II first General Assembly
- NMI3 at ICNS
- the Central European Training School 2013
- Muons' Experiments in millionths of a second
e-newsletter 4 June 2013
- NMI3-I Achievements: final brochure
- NMI3's Joint Research Activities: interviews and articles
- New material for lithium rechargeable batteries
- Healthy diet? Using neutrons to quantify selenium in cereal crops
- HZG Autumn School
- ICNS2013 – detailed programme now available
e-newsletter 3 - May 2013
- Neutrons and X-rays help investigate new materials for gas turbines
- Assessing exposure to pollution in industrial workplaces
- ICNS early registration deadline
- Call for Proposals for µSR experiments at the SµS
- First NMI3-II General Assembly in Berlin
e-newsletter 2 - April 2013
- HERCULES 2013 – conversations with the participants
- SINQ call for proposals II/13
- Job vacancies at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL)
e-newsletter 1 - March 2013
- Bertaut Prize 2013 – call for nominations
- EU leaders reach agreement on 2014-20 budget
- MLZ: New center for neutron research in Germany
- Interview with Giovanna Fragneto
- NMI3 Industry Workshop at ICNS 2013
Issue 4 - January 2013

Issue 3 - May 2012

Issue 2 - November 2011

Issue 1 – July 2011