ILL has signed the Grant Agreement for SINE2020
A new project will start in October 2015 and last for four years. It has recently been accepted for funding under the European Commission HORIZON 2020 framework.
NMI3, 29/07/2015

The SINE2020 logo – design by Fabienne Mengoni, ESRF.
The Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL), as coordinator of the new neutron consortium SINE2020, has just signed the Grant Agreement. The next step is the EC signature, and then all the 18 partners will be invited to sign the Accession forms. The establishment of the Consortium Agreement is currently under progress. Once the EC has signed the project SINE2020 can start this year on October 1st.
SINE2020, world-class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe in 2020, has two objectives:
- preparing Europe for the unique opportunities at the European Spallation Source in 2020, and
- developing the innovation potential of neutron large scale facilities.
The kick-off meeting will be on October 16th at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, next to the NMI3-II final General Assembly (14-15th Oct).
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