Advanced Methods & Techniques JRA - achievements as of today
Here is a summary of the achievements by the Advanced Methods and Techniques JRA, on the road to new instrumental set-ups for the benefit of neutron users.
NMI3, 31/07/2015
On this page we summarise the achievements by the Joint Research Activities (JRA) on Advanced Methods and Techniques, as of July 2015. Below you can see the main developments of each of the JRA tasks.
This JRA aims to explore novel techniques to introduce conceptually new instrumental set-ups, as well as the development of a prototype development to pave the road for implementation on user instruments with a particular emphasis on the characteristics of the future European Spallation Source (ESS).
For more information about the different tasks of this JRA please visit this page .
Achievements of each task
Sub-mm3 samples for extreme environments
- Software for optimizing the design of multi-channel, neutron focusing guides for sample environments at extreme conditions using artificial intelligence techniques.
Spin Echo with Oscillating Intensity for the ESS
- Desktop setup for testing the design of an electronic circuit performing the modulation of the RF amplitude during a pulse in order to stay in resonance with the static field.
Choppers for the ESS instrumentation
- Single Fermi collimator rotor with Gd-foils in a test housing to perform mechanical and neutron tests up to 1KHz rotation speed.
- Beam-size array of slim rotors that are operated synchronously and eventually with adjustable phases.
Polarising all neutrons in a beam
- New SM- cavity design that overcomes existing limitations
- The neutron beams are separated according to their polarisation
- One polarization is flipped with a broad band radiofrequency flipper
- The beams are recombined and focussed to the sample

Highlights from this JRA
New type of radiofrequency spin flippers for Neutron Resonance Spin Echo
The Advanced Methods and Techniques JRA has developed a new type of RFSF to enhance NRSE spectrometers. Read more.
How to optimise multi-channel neutron focusing guides for extreme sample environments?
NMI3 collaboration works on simulations to find the best possible guide for experiments at low temperatures and high magnetic fields. Read more.