Apply for beamtime at BNC until October 15
The Budapest Neutron Centre is calling for proposals for scientists to use their neutron instruments.

The Budapest Neutron Centre.
In order to apply for a project and receive beamtime at one of the facilities at the Budapest Neutron Centre (BNC) you have to submit a research proposal. The deadline for proposal submission is October 15 for beamtime in January-June.
If you are interested in performing experiments at BNC please contact the User Office for administrative or any other questions. For any kind of technical question and inquiries about the feasability of your experiments please contact the beamline scientist(s).
The Budapest Neutron Centre offers access for national and international scientific community to use of their neutron instruments. At current twelve instruments are available located at the 10MW reactor in Budapest.
You can apply for beamtime at BNC in the following fields of research:
- Structure analysis
- Three axis instruments
- Powder diffraction
- High resolution TOF powder diffraction
- Small angle scattering
- Neutron activation analysis
- Prompt gamma activation analysis
- Reflectometers
- Radiography stations
To apply for beam time, please use the BNC proposal form or Submit Proposal Online.
Experimental proposals are reviewed by an international selection panel. Access is supported by the European Union within NMI3. The users receive reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs.
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