SKIN2014 (Studying Kinetics with Neutrons)
Date 24. March 2014 - 27. March 2014
Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France
Studying Kinetics with Neutrons
The meeting will focus on results, new applications and future prospects for time-resolved Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry with typical time scales from micro-second to seconds. The scope of the symposium is to bring together scientists from different fields of physics, chemistry, biology, materials with neutron experts.
Invited speakers
P. Bender (Germany), M. Cárdenas (Denmark), M. Hollamby (United Kingdom), K. Huber (Germany),U. Keiderling (Germany), T. P. Lodge (United States), S. Mühlbauer (Germany), M. Nakano (Japan), T. Sottmann (Germany), F. Testard (France), L. Willner (Germany)
Important dates
Abstract deadline: January 28, 2014
Notification of acceptance: February 7, 2014
Registration dead line: February 21, 2014
Opening Session: March 24, 2014
Please register through the link below.
OrganiserR. Campbell, I. Grillo, L. Porcar, R. Schweins, A.Wiedenmann (Chair)
Contact NameKarine Sultan
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