DPG Spring Meeting
Date 30. March 2014 - 04. April 2014
TU Dresden, Hörsaalzentrum
DPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) with the divisions and working groups:
- Biological Physics
- Chemical and Polymer Physics
- Dielectric Solids
- Thin Films
- Dynamics and Statistical Physics
- Semiconductor Physics
- and the working group Semiconductor
- Magnetism
- and the working group Magnetism
- Metal and Material Physics
- and the working group Metal and Material Physics
- Mikroprobes
- Surface Science
- Physics of Socio-Economic Systems
- Low Temperature Physics
- Vacuum Science and Technology
- Crystallography
- Working Group Industry and Business
- Working Group young DPG
- together with the Accelerator Physics
Deutsche Physikaalische Gesellschaft e.V.
Contact NameDr. Bernhard Nunner
E-Mail URL Back to previous page