International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation
Date 28. July 2015 - 04. August 2015
Sicily, Italy
The International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation is a specialized course within the School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation (Directors: Ian S Anderson and Carla Andreani). The school will be held at the ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE, Erice (Sicily, IT) between the 28th July and the 4th of August 2015
The School is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply early, as late applications will not be accepted. The School focuses on neutron instrumentation, mainly for large-scale facilities, though a session will be devoted to instrumentation at compact neutron facilities. Students are selected for the course based on their need to utilize neutron instrument design techniques as part of their present and/or future research activities.
The school is aimed at young instrument and development scientists, engineers, and designers at international and national neutron facilities, although graduate students or postdocs at universities would also be welcomed. In addition to lectures on theory, sources, and neutron instrumentation, students will be tutored by world leading experts in the various scattering techniques including diffraction, quasi-elastic and inelastic scattering, imaging, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, and neutron-spin-echo.
Accommodation of participants is organized by the Ettore Majorana Foundation (EMFCSC) either in their premises or in local hotels on the basis of the indications provided by the Organizing Committee and by participants in the Travel Form. Special requests should be addressed to the School Scientific Secretary.
To apply, click here. Places at the school are in high demand. To register you will need to fill out the travel form, submit a personal statement and, in the case of students, a statement from your supervisor. Travel forms must be returned to and with copy to Applications should arrive no later than April 15th, 2015.
The Registration Fee is €900 per student. School fees include the cost of lodging during the school, breakfast, lunch, evening meal, teaching and all course materials. There are 25 residential places available.
A web site for on-line payment will be available in the near future.
Directors: Ken Andersen (ESS) and Roberto Caciuffo (JRC Karlsruhe)
For further information, visit:
OrganiserKen Andersen (ESS) and Roberto Caciuffo (JRC Karlsruhe)
Contact NameKen Andersen
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