Science for Life 2015
Date 20. May 2015 - 25. May 2015
Lampedusa, Italy
The event is structured in four phases:
20th – 22nd of May International School Spectroscopic Techniques Applied to Life Sciences
22nd of May International Workshop Science and Society: Diseases, Treatments and Ethical Questions
23th – 24th of May International Workshop BIONEUTRON 2015: Neutron Scattering Highlights in Life Sciences
24th – 25h of May International Workshop Good News for Life Sciences: Progresses in Advanced Methods, Disease Understanding and Drug Discoveries
Such event, with a strong symbolic meaning, will mark the “baptism” of Lampedusa as Capital of Science and Peace and will represent the foundation stone for the building of the International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies “Science for Life”, a place devoted to the meeting among cultures, sciences and worlds in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea.
“Science for Life” will be a meeting where, in addition to scientific sessions, relevant and topical issues of social interest in the context of “Science and Society” will be addressed.
The third edition of the Third International Workshop “BIONEUTRON 2015: Neutron Scattering Highlights in Life Sciences” will be held in the framework of the “Science for Life” event.
The main scope of this workshop is to provide an up-to-date insight into neutron scattering and complementary techniques and to furnish a representative sampling of some experimental findings which, in the broad area of research under the general heading of “life sciences”, have recently been object of considerable scientific scrutiny. More than ever before, the scientific community is interested in using the strength and capabilities of different facilities and new techniques and approaches to their best advantage and the large neutron fluxes produced in next-generation spallation facilities such as the European Spallation Source (ESS) are likely to soon find expanded application in life sciences.
“Science for Life” will strongly encourage the participation of young researchers, being held in connection with the First International School “Spectroscopic Techniques Applied to Life Sciences”, which will be held from 20th to 22nd of May 2015 and will be devoted to education of students and young researchers in complementary techniques, including light and neutron scattering, IR absorption and synchrotron radiation spectroscopy, applied to the investigation of the structural, dynamical and functional properties of biosystems, and to their biotechnological applications.
The students will attend the whole event, held from 20th to 25th of May 2015, including all the workshop sessions as an integral part of the school. Students are strongly invited to submit their abstracts for oral or poster contributions which will be published in a volume with ISBN code. The related papers will be published in a special issue of an international journal.
The event aims to attract researchers from completely different horizons providing a forum to bring together scientists from academia, industry and other research organizations, so reinforcing a community at a time where the field is progressing rapidly.
OrganiserSalvatore Magazù (University of Messina, Italy) and Federica Migliardo (University of Messina, Italy)
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+39 0906765025
Address“Science for Life”
Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
University of Messina
Viale D’Alcontres 31
98166 S. Agata, Messina, Italy