4th Neutron Delivery Systems Workshop
Date 28. September 2015 - 30. September 2015
Grenoble, France
The ILL is pleased to invite you to the 4th Neutron Delivery Systems Workshop that will be held in Grenoble, France from the 28th to 30th of September 2015.
Following the success of previous workshops this meeting presents a unique opportunity to share knowledge and feedback on the state of the art in neutron transport, optics and moderation technologies.
This workshop will cover the following topics:
- Progress in neutron guide design, innovative concepts and materials
- Review of newly installed neutron guide systems worldwide
- Neutron guide ageing
- Advances in mirror and super-mirror science and technology
- Moderation of neutrons for the production of cold and ultra-cold neutrons
- Simulation of neutron sources and neutron transport
- Neutron optical devices.
This workshop is intended for engineers and scientists involved in the use, design and manufacturing of neutron delivery systems and their components.
An industrial exhibition will be organised for Tuesday 29th September. Companies involved in the manufacturing of neutron delivery systems will have the opportunity to present their products and capabilities.
For further information, registration and abstract submission please visit: http://www.ill.eu/nds2015
Important dates
31st May: Abstract title submission deadline.
31st July: Abstract submission deadline.
1st September: Online registration deadline.
The NDS-2015 organising committee (nds2015@ill.eu)
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