HSC18: Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation for Magnetism
Date 14. September 2015 - 18. September 2015
Grenoble, France
Scope of the course:
Intense synchrotron X-ray and neutron beams are unique quantum probes that are key tools to the understanding of electronic and magnetic properties of materials.
The present school is addressed to all young scientists wishing to know and use the capabilities of neutrons and synchrotron radiation in the field of magnetism.
It includes two days of introduction to the theory and applications of X-ray and neutron techniques for magnetism, two days of ‘hands on’ experiments on X-ray and neutron instruments used for this research, and finally one day of lectures on current trends and topics.
There will be a selection of candidates due to a limited number of participants.
- Application deadline: 15 June 2015 – PLEASE PRE-REGISTER HERE!
- Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2015
- Final registration deadline: 16 August 2015
Laurent Chapon (ILL), Luigi Paolasini (ESRF), Béatrice Grenier (UJF-CEA), Guillaume Beutier (SIMAP)
Secretariat: Brigitte Dubouloz (ILL) and Claudine Roméro (ESRF)
Contact: the organisers of HSC18
OrganiserLaurent Chapon (ILL), Luigi Paolasini (ESRF), Béatrice Grenier (UJF-CEA), Guillaume Beutier (SIMAP)
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