Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity
Date 23. August 2015 - 28. August 2015
Geneva International Conference Center, Geneva, Switzerland
The International Conference M2S HTSC 2015 will take place from Sunday, August 23 until Friday, August 28 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The M2S2015 conference is the 11th conference in the successful series of tri-annual conferences on materials and mechanisms of superconductivity. The first one took place in 1988 in Interlaken in the wake of the discovery of high superconductivity by the Nobel Prize winners Johannes Georg Bednorz and Karl Alexander Müller.
The meeting has since then taken place in Palo Alto, Kanazawa, Grenoble, Beijing, Houston, Rio de Janeiro, Dresden, Tokyo, Washington and now will return to Switzerland in the summer of 2015.
Superconductivity is the phenomenon of electrical current flow without any loss of energy due to resistance. This extremely useful phenomenon is nowadays routinely applied in medical applications of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in large scale magnetic guiding systems such as CERN, the presently constructed nuclear fusion energy plant ITER, in high throughput electrical power cables, as well as the maglev train presently in construction by Japanese Railways.
The field of superconductivity is heavily driven by experimental progress using the most advanced technology available. Consequently the participants of M2S are actively involved in materials science, experimental techniques, theoretical research and/or applications of superconductivity.
The experimental techniques involve materials processing, crystal growth and characterization, low temperature techniques, ultra high vacuum, various kinds of neutron-, electron-, optical-, X-ray, and scanning probe techniques.
Superconductivity is also the subject of intense theoretical research, and has spurred novel ground breaking theoretical approaches to the mechanisms of superconductivity and more generally of emergent properties of strongly interacting electrons.
Registration and abstract submission is open. Abstracts for poster presentations can be submitted until june 30th, 2015.
OrganiserDirk van der Marel – Université de Genève (Chair)
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+41 22 839 84 84
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