Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements
Date 11. April 2016 - 15. April 2016
Paraninfo Building of the University of Zaragoza, Spain
SCTE provides a forum for discussion on fundamental and applied research in the areas of solid state chemistry, physics and materials science of compounds containing d- and f- elements. The SCTE conference has always been promoted by the individuals forming the International Honorary and Advisory Committees.
The proceedings of the SCTE2016 will be published in a special issue of SOLID STATE PHENOMENA by TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS, commemorating the 20th edition of the SCTE conference. A copy of the proceedings and web access to the papers will be granted to all registered participants.
The scope of the Conference includes the following Topics:
- Processes and syntheses
- Crystal chemistry
- Phase equilibria and phase transitions
- Thermodynamics
- Magnetic, electrical and optical properties
- Electronic phenomena at the crossover from localized to itinerant electronic behavior in solids
- Theory, “ab initio” methods, electronic structure, chemical bonding
- Physical and chemical properties at the nanometric scale: nanoparticles, films, interfaces
- Synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering in research on transition element compounds
- Materials for industry
and Materials:
- Intermetallic compounds
- Strongly correlated electron systems
- Multiferroic and magnetoelectric systems
- Topological quantum matter
- Magnetocalorics, thermoelectrics
- Multifunctional materials
- Molecular solids: molecular magnetism, MOFs, spin crossover
- Materials for energy storage: compounds for hydrogen storage, batteries and fuel cells
- Novel superconducting materials, ruthenates, iron pnictides and oxide pnictides
- Materials for high frequency applications
- Disordered, inhomogeneous and frustrated materials
SCTE 2016 will present plenary and invited lectures by leading Scientist, keynote and oral talks, and poster presentations.
Abstract submission deadline: January 18th, 2016
OrganiserCSIC, ICMA, Uni. Zaragoza
Contact NameJuan Bartolomé
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