International Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers WINS 2016
Date 08. September 2016 - 09. September 2016
Sep 8 in Potsdam and Sep 9 at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin / Germany
The 7th workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers WINS 2016 will be held on September 8, 2016 in Potsdam and on the 09.09.2016 at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin / Germany as a satellite of Quasielastic neutron scattering conference. Workshop series has been launched in 2004 in Tokai by the J-PARC team and was a continuing effort to further innovations in neutron spectrometer design. The workshop will cover innovative aspects of the instrument design as well as reports on progress of spectrometer projects. Special emphasis will be given development of sample characterization such as polarization, magnetic field, pressure. Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation will be also part of the agenda. Participation of the young scientist is particularly welcome.
Workshop topics:
- Compact Sources
- Status of instrument projects
- Development and design of new instruments, methods and components
- Software
Important dates:
Registration open: 15 January 2016
Deadline for submission: 30 April 2016
Abstract acceptance, Notification to authors: 15 June 2016
Early registration: 30 June 2016
Dr. Margarita Russina
E-Mail URL
Phone(030) 8062-43159
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