Magnetism 2016
Date 04. April 2016 - 05. April 2016
Sheffield, UK
Abstract submission for Magnetism 2016 is now open. Abstracts of up to 200 words and one figure will be accepted until the (extended) deadline of Friday 22nd January 2016.
A mixture of invited talks and submitted contributions will allow the breadth of magnetism research in the UK and RoI to be presented. Participation from outside UK/RoI and from industry is also encouraged. The conference has previously included oral sessions on a range of subjects including spintronics, domain walls, dynamics, vortices, skyrmions and topological systems, spin ice, biological and organic magnetism, superconductors, magnetocalorics and ab initio theory.
We are encouraging abstracts submitted in the areas of Thin films and nanostructures, Correlated electrons, Biological and organic materials, Computational magnetism and General magnetism.
Key dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 22 January 2016
Early registration deadline: 3 March 2016
Accommodation deadline: 21 March 2016
Registration deadline: 24 March 2016
IOP Magnetism Group
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