Call for nominations for the 7th Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize
Nominations of notable early career researchers will be receive until April 30.

The European Crystallographic Association (ECA) and the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) announce the call for nominations for the Seventh Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize in honour of the late Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut, and in memory of his scientific achievements and cornerstones in crystallography and in neutron scattering.
The prize is awarded to a young European scientist, with a career extending to 5 to 8 years after thesis defence, in recognition of notable experimental, theoretical or methodological contributions in the field of analysis of matter using crystallographic or neutron scattering methods.
Nominations for the prize may be submitted by European scientists as individuals (self-nomination excluded) or on behalf of a group. Nominations should include the motivation for the award, a brief curriculum vitae of the nominee and a short list of major publications. Letters of support from authorities in the field are accepted. Nominations for the prize will be treated in confidence and although they will be acknowledged there will be no further communication. Nominations are to be addressed in electronic form to Christiane ALBA-SIMIONESCO or Alessia BACCHI.
The nominations for the prize will be examined by a selection committee. ECA and ENSA will agree on the composition of a Selection Committee for the evaluation of the quality of the candidates and the recipient of the prize. Membership in the Selection Committee is obtained by invitation extended jointly by ECA and ENSA executives, with a delegate of each executive representing the associations. The Selection Committee is chaired by the representative of the association that organizes the prize ceremony for a specific year. The prize ceremony is organized at European conferences organized by ECA or ENSA. This year it will be awarded at the European Conference on Neutron Scattering 2015, ECNS2015, 30th August – 4th September 2015 in Zaragoza, Spain.
The call for nominations for the Seventh Erwin Felix Lewy Bertaut Prize is open until 30th April 2015
More details for the procedure and guidelines for application are available on the web-sites of ECA and ENSA.
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