Did you know there is a website and a mailing list for the neutron community?
Neutronsources.org and the neutron mailing list

Almost 20 years ago, Ray Osborn from the Argonne National Laboratory organised the first collaborative workshop in the United States on neutron data analysis software. The idea then came up to create a website and mailing list to enhance the exchange of information among the neutron scattering community; this challenge resulted in both the Neutron Scattering Web and the neutron mailing list.
Given that the website needed an upgrade, NMI3 suggested to the European Network of Neutron and Muon Press Officers and to Ray Osborn to create a new website called Neutronsources.org. Ray kindly made available all the content of the old website to be transferred to the new one. Thanks to contributors from most world neutron facilities who send relevant content to the website coordinator, the NMI3 Information Manager, in July 2013 Neutronsources.org finally went live.
Ray is still one of the moderators of the mailing list, which enables over 1200 subscribers in the world to be kept up-to-date on neutron related information. Much of the information posted there is published on the website, as for instance events, proposal deadlines, news on scientific highlights, CFP, instruments, software or websites, and job offers. Be sure you don’t miss any important information and subscribe to the list by sending an email to Neutron-request@neutronsources.org or clicking here!
Useful links
Neutron mailing list
Neutron Scattering Web
Website governance
Have a look at our articles about the website on Neutron News – The launch of Neutronsources.org – and Notiziario – A new website for the neutron Community: Bookmark Neutronsources.org!.