HZB: Call for proposals for the 2nd semester of 2014
Deadline for proposal submission: March 1st, 2014
The HZB user coordination kindly invites you to submit proposals for the next joint proposal round for the large scale facilities BESSY II and BER II with beam time being allocated in the second semester of 2014.
The deadline for proposal submission is March 1, 2014, 23:59 (CET). Please note that this is a strict deadline.
The up-coming proposal submission will be organized with the user office system GATE: https://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/pubbin/hzbgate
You need a valid GATE account in order to submit a proposal. Please note: The old accounts (BOAT, BENSC Visitors Club) are not valid for GATE.
You will find more information in the “Guidelines for Proposal Submission” which are available
in the online help at http://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/user/beamtime/guide_en.html .
For details on available instruments in 2014/II please refer to the “Instruments on schedule”
section of the on-line call for proposals .
General information on beamtime and access to HZB is given here .
Information for BER II Users
Users of the neutron facility BER II please find the most relevant and partially new information as summarized below:
The application period for the 2nd semester of 2014 covers the months September 2014 to February 2015. Due to scheduled maintenance works at the BER II reactor no reactor operation is foreseen in September and October 2014.
Details on the instrumentation and coordinates of the instrument scientists are available on the webpages http://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/user/experimental-infrastructures/instruments-neutrons/index_en.html
- The new Laue diffractometer FALCON is ready for friendly users. Please contact the instrument scientist before applying for beamtime.
- The Membrane Diffractometer V1, the 4-circle Diffractometer E5 and the Focusing Powder Diffractometer E6 are no longer available from 2014/II on.
NMI3 support for European groups

NMI3 support is available for European researchers. All reimbursements of costs for European users are done according to the general rules of HZB. Detailed information can be found at http://www.helmholtz-berlin.de/user/user-info/eu-access/index_en.html .
Travel Support for German University groups
Limited funds are available to assist with travel and subsistence expenses for German University groups who cannot finance these costs from their institutes’ budget. Support will be granted on the basis of individual applications. In general only one person per beamtime campaign can be supported. Further information here.
Arrangements for travel support have to be cleared prior to undertaking the trip.
Beamtime fees for Proprietary Research
Beamtime fees are collected for proprietary industrial research. Academic users can use the BESSY II / BER II services without paying any fees. The readiness to publish the scientific results within a reasonable period of time giving proper mention to the HZB is a prerequisite for the charge-free admission of external users.
In case of any question, suggestions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact the HZB user office, beamline or station scientists.
For further information on experiments at BESY please refer to the call for proposals website.