Kick-off meeting - NMI3-II
NMI3 partners meet at ILL in Grenoble for the start of the new NMI3 project in FP7

Miriam Forster, NMI3 Project manager
ILL, the coordinating facility of NMI3 is currently hosting the meeting that sets the start of the new NMI3 project, which will run from 2012 until 2016.
The meeting brings together representatives of all partner institutions, Access programme coordinators from all member facilities, the coordination team and members of the Joint Research Activities funded by NMI3. During the General Assembly, Access programme coordinators from all facilities presented their facility, the instruments and services offered. The new Joint Research Activities in Imaging, Detector development, Muons, Tools for soft- and bio-materials and Advanced methods and Techniques were also presented and more information about them can now be found on our Joint Research Activities pages
During a board meeting that took place before the kick-off meeting, Mark Johnson from ILL was appointed coordinator of NMI3-II. Helmut Schober will coordinate NMI3-I until it ends in January 2013.