LLB call for proposals: deadline April 1st
The next deadline for neutron beam time request to perform neutron scattering experiments at LLB-Orphee is April 1st.

The first session of 2014's Selection Committees at the Laboratoire Leon Brillouin (LLB, CEA-Saclay, France) for neutron diffraction experiments to be performed end of 2014 will take place soon. The deadline for submission of proposals for beam time allocation on the spectrometers installed around the ORPHEE reactor is the 1st of April 2014.
Be careful, this an unusual date, changed in order to be able to offer more beam time to users during the shutdown of the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL).
You will find all the necessary information’s on this call on the LLB webpage .
Latest news
- The new neutron radiography station Imagine and the new high resolution powder diffraction PHR-G44 are now open to users.
- The Eros reflectometer is upgraded and transfer to a new beamport. It transforms into Hermes (Horizontal Enhanced Reflectometer for the Measurement of Surfaces).

LLB is part of the NMI3 Access Programme. Users from eligible countries might be supported by reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs.
LLB's Scientific Highlights
On the way to more efficient boron-10 detectors
A team in CEA Saclay is working on a new detector that uses boron-10 instead of helium-3. Click here to read the article.
Update on the advanced neutron tools for soft and bio-materials JRA
Annie Brûlet, the coordinator of this Joint Research Activity, told us about this collaboration’s main goals and achievements. Click here to read the article.
Nanostructure and Cleaning Mechanism of Innovative Media for Polymer Removal from Artworks: a SANS study
In the past, synthetic polymers have been improperly applied as protective coatings to painted surfaces. Instead of preserving the paintings, these substances promoted a series of complex degradation mechanisms. Click here to read the article.