NMI3 meeting in Garching
In the beginning of the month, from 4th to 7th December, the members of the NMI3 Board , Advisory Committee and General Assembly have met at the Technische Universität München in Garching, Germany, for one more General Assembly. This meeting marked the end of NMI3-I, the first phase of funding of the project, and also the last meeting of Helmut Schober as coordinator of NMI3-I.
The meeting started with an introductory speech by Helmut Schober, who reviewed the achievements of NMI3-I. During the General Assembly, each NMI3-I Joint Research Activity (JRA’s) presented their work, developments and results to the consortium. A number of coordinators of the JRA’s pointed out that NMI3 revealed to be an opportunity for a valuable exchange in terms of knowledge, experiences and culture. Some JRA’s also took the opportunity for meeting their members and discuss the development of their work, results obtained and future work.
Kim Lefmann from the University of Copenhagen presented the work done by the Monte Carlo Simulations Network. Helmut Schober (on behalf of Philip King) talked about the European Neutron and Muon Schools funded by NMI3 that took place in 2012. Thilo Pirling gave a talk on the challenge of standardisation in the neutron business. Jürgen Neuhaus presented NMI3 dissemination activities. To close the session, Mark Johnson, the coordinator of NMI3-II, explained the Industry workshop that will take place during the next International Conference of Neutron Scattering in Edinburgh, and shared the NMI3 coordinators thoughts on the Horizon 2020.