PSI-SINQ: call for proposals II/13
Deadline for submission: May 15, 2014, 23:59 (CET)

Paul Scherrer Institute
The next call for experiments at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) will be launched in April 2014 with a proposal submission deadline on May 15, 2014, midnight for all instruments, see list below. Those proposals will request for beamtime during the period October – December 2014.
The Digital User Office will be open for proposal submission approximately 4-5 weeks before the deadline. Of course editing and saving of proposals is possible any time.
Available Instruments
The following instruments will be operational and available in 2014:
- Powder Diffractometers: HRPT, DMC
- Single Crystal Diffractometer: TRICS
- Strain Scanner: POLDI
- Small Angle Scattering: SANS-I, SANS-II
- Reflectometer: AMOR
- Triple Axis Spectrometers: TASP, RITA-II, EIGER
- Time-of-Flight Spectrometer: FOCUS
- Radiography: NEUTRA, ICON
- Additionally, beamtime on the instrument MORPHEUS can be allocated by contacting the instrument responsible directly.
- The backscattering spectrometer MARS will be open for internal use only due to staff limitations!
Next Scheduling Periods
- May – September 2014 (I/14),
- October – December 2014 (II/14)

SINQ is part of the NMI3 Access Programme . Users from eligible countries might be supported by reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs. For further info please have a look here.
PSI Scientific Highlights supported by NMI3
Where and how do plant roots take up water?
Have you ever eaten lupins? They are a common snack in Mediterranean countries. Thanks to NMI3 funding, scientists from the Georg August University of Göttingen in Germany have investigated where and how the roots of these plants take water from the soil.
The rht net: an ideal blueprint for the construction of a metal–organic framework platform
The need for tunable functional solid-state materials is increasing because of the growing demand to address persisting challenges in global energy issues, environmental sustainability, and others. It is practical and preferable for such materials to be pre-designed and constructed to exhibit the desired properties and specific functionalities for a given targeted application.