SLS/SINQ - 2014 call for joint X + N powder diffraction proposals
Deadline for proposal submission: Feb 20, 2014

The synchrotron (SLS) and neutron (SINQ) facilities at the Paul Scherrer Institut PSI are launching the 6th JOINT proposal round with the aim to promote and facilitate the complementary use of X-rays and neutrons.
The proposal submission deadine for this round will be FEBRUARY 20, 2014, 23:59 (CET).
The joint X-rays + neutrons proposal round concerns proposals for powder diffraction experiments in the fields of condensed matter, crystallography, chemistry, magnetism etc, for which the use of both synchrotron X-ray AND neutron diffraction is required and adequately justified.
The X-ray and neutron diffraction instruments involved are:
- the powder diffraction station of the Materials Sciences beamline (X04SA) at SLS:
- the HRPT high resolution neutron powder diffractometer at SINQ:
The beamtime allocation will be from July to December 2014.
Applications should be submitted solely through the PSI Digital User Office:
When logged into your account with DUO, select the link “Submit a new proposal” from the “Proposals” panel, and then choose “Joint neutron – X-rays powder diffraction (SINQ and SLS)” from the popup menu.
In the “General” part, when choosing the instrument, please select “Joint-MS-HRPT” as an instrument.
Further, just follow the instructions for the regular proposal submission.
The PSI is looking forward to your applications within this special submission channel.
For further questions please visit:
or contact PSI directly at .

SINQ is part of the NMI3 Access Programme . Users from eligible countries might be supported by reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs.