The 3rd Neutron & Muon PR network meeting
Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble

Meeting participants. © Serge Claisse, ILL
On October 15 in Grenoble, press officers from various neutron and muon European institutions met for the third time. The meeting focused on the development of the future web platform The aim of this platform is to increase the visibility of worldwide neutron research on the internet, as well as to provide access to reliable and up-to-date information on neutron research.
Each of the press officers at the meeting gave valuable input on their views for the outline of the website, which is to be launched during the first months of 2013. The press officers’ network and an editorial group, made up ideally of representatives from neutron institutions, will support the NMI3 information manager in maintaining and enhancing the website content. Worldwide institutions are getting involved and are being kept up-to-date on the decisions taken, so that everyone can take part of this initiative! If you would like to get involved, please contact