Irina Stefanescu
Scientist, Detector Group, ESS

Can you tell us about your studies? What scientific field did you specialise in?
PhD and post-doc experience in the field of gamma-ray spectroscopy with Germanium detectors arrays. Two years of experience in a private company working on the development of radiation detectors for homeland security applications. Currently working on developing new technologies to replace the He-3 tubes for the detection of thermal and cold neutrons.
Fields of interest:
- Thermal neutron detectors and instrumentation for neutron scattering applications
- Monte-Carlo simulation of radiation detectors
- Neutron powder diffraction
- Gamma-ray spectroscopy with radioactive beams
- Theoretical calculations for nuclear structure
Can you tell us step by step how you reached your current position?
Since 2014: Researcher in Neutron Detection, Detector Systems, ESS, Sweden.
2011 – 2014: Scientist in the Detector group at FRM2, TU München, Germany.
2009 – 2011: Scientist at Bubble Technology Industries, Chalk River, Canada.
2007 – 2008: Post-doctoral Research Associate in the Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland, with scientific residence at Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, USA.
2004 – 2007: Post-doctoral Researcher in the Nuclear Structure Group, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
2000 – 2004: PhD studies at the Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Cologne, Germany.
1998 – 2000: – Research Assistant, Tandem Laboratory, National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Magurele, Romania.
1993 – 1999: B. Sc. and M. Sc. at the Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, Romania.
Have you got publications?
- I. Stefanescu, Y. Abdullahi, J. Birch, I. Defendi, R. Hall-Wilton, C. Höglund, L. Hultman, M. Zee, K. Zeitelhack, “A 10B-based detector with macrostructured multilayers for neutron scattering applications”, JINST, 8(2013) P12003.
- I. Stefanescu, Y. Abdullahi, J. Birch, I. Defendi, R. Hall-Wilton, C. Höglund, L. Hultman, D. Seiler, K. Zeitelhack, “Development of a novel macrostructured cathode for large-area neutron detectors based on the 10B-containing solid converter”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 727, 109 (2013).
- I. Stefanescu, W.B. Walters, R.V.F. Janssens, N. Hoteling, R. Broda, M.P. Carpenter, B. Fornal, A. A. Hecht, W. Krolas, T. Lauritsen, T. Pawlat, D. Seweryniak, J.R. Stone, X. Wang, A. Wohr, J. Wrzesinski, S. Zhu “Levels above the 19/2- isomer in 71Cu: Persistence of the N=40 neutron shell gap” , Physical Review C 79, 034319 (2009).
- I. Stefanescu, D. Pauwels, N. Bree, T.E. Cocolios, J. Diriken, S. Franchoo, M. Huyse, O. Ivanov, Y. Kudryavtsev, N. Patronis, J. Van De Walle, P. Van Duppen, W.B. Walters “Evidence for a -decaying 1/2- isomer in 71Ni”, Physical Review C 79, 044325 (2009).
- I. Stefanescu, W.B.Walters, R.V.F. Janssens, S. Zhu, R. Broda, M.P. Carpenter, C.J. Chiara, B. Fornal, B.P. Kay, F.G. Kondev, W. Krolas, T. Lauritsen, C.J. Lister, E.A. McCutchan, T. Pawlat, D. Seweryniak, J.R. Stone, N.J. Stone, J. Wrzesinski “Identification of the g9/2- proton bands in the neutron-rich 71,73,75;,7Ga nuclei”, Physical Review C 79, 064302 (2009).
- I. Stefanescu, W.B. Walters, P.F. Mantica, B.A. Brown, A.D. Davies, A. Estrade, P.T. Hosmer, N. Hoteling, S.N. Liddick, W.D. M. Rae, T.J. Mertzimekis, F. Montes, A.C. Morton, W.F. Mueller, M. Ouellette, E. Pellegrini, P. Santi, D. Seweryniak, H. Schatz, J. Shergur, A. Stolz, J.R. Stone and B.E. Tomlin “Spectroscopy of exotic 121,123,125Ag produced in fragmentation reactions”, European Physics Journal A 42, 3, 407 (2009).
- I. Stefanescu, G. Georgiev, D.L. Balabanski, N. Blasi, A. Blazhev, N. Bree, J. Cederkäll, T. E. Cocolios, T. Davinson, J. Diriken, J. Eberth, A. Ekström, D. Fedorov, V.N. Fedosseev, L.M. Fraile, S. Franchoo, K. Gladnishki, M. Huyse, O. Ivanov, V. Ivanov, J. Iwanicki, J. Jolie, T. Konstantinopoulos, Th. Kröll, R. Krücken, U. Köster, A. Lagoyannis, G. Lo Bianco, P. Maierbeck, B.A. Marsh, P. Napiorkowski, N. Patronis, D. Pauwels, G. Rainovski, P. Reiter, K. Riisager, M. Seliverstov, G. Sletten, J. Van de Walle, P. Van Duppen, D. Voulot, N. Warr, F. Wenander, K. Wrzosek „Interplay between single-particle and collective effects in the odd-A Cu isotopes beyond N=40”, Physical Review Letters, 100, 112502 (2008).
- I. Stefanescu, A. Gelberg, J. Jolie, P. Van Isacker, P. von Brentano, Y.X. Luo, S.J. Zhu, J.O. Rasmussen, J.H. Hamilton, A.V. Ramayya, X.L. Che “IBM-1 description of the fission products 108,110,112Ru”, Nuclear Physics A 789, 125 (2007).
- I. Stefanescu, G. Georgiev, F. Ames, J. Aystö, D.L. Balabanski, G. Bollen, P. Butler, J. Cederkall, T. Davinson, A. De Maesschalck, P. Delahaye, J. Eberth, D. Fedorov, V.N. Fedoseyev, L.M. Fraile, S. Franchoo, K. Gladnishki, D. Habs, K. Heyde, M. Huyse, O. Ivanov, J. Iwanicki, J. Jolie, B. Jonson, Th. Kröll, R. Krücken, U. Köster, A. Lagoyannis, L. Liljeby, G. Lo Bianco, B.A. Marsh, O. Niedermaier, M. Oinonen, G. Pascovici, P. Reiter, A. Saltarelli, H. Scheit, D. Schwalm, T. Sieber, N. Smirnova, J. Van De Walle, P. Van Duppen, N. Warr, D. Weisshaar, F. Wenander “Coulomb excitation of 68,70Cu; first use of post-accelerated isomeric beams”, Physical Review Letters 98, 122701 (2007).
- I. Stefanescu, J. Eberth, G. Gersch, T. Steinhardt, O. Thelen, N. Warr, D. Weisshaar, B.G. Carlsson, I. Ragnarsson, G. de Angelis, T. Martinez, A. Jungclaus, R. Schwengner, K.P. Lieb, E.A. Stefanova, D. Curien “High-spin states and band termination in 69As”, Physical Review C 70, 044304 (2004).
- I. Stefanescu, J. Eberth, G. de Angelis, N. Warr, G. Gersch, T. Steinhardt, O. Thelen, D. Weisshaar, T. Martinez, A. Jungclaus, R. Schwengner, K.P. Lieb, E.A. Stefanova, D. Curien and A. Gelberg „Level structure of 69Se”, Physical Review C 69, 034333 (2004).
Contact details
European Spallation Source ESS ERIC
P.O Box 176, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Visiting address: Tunavägen 24, Lund
Phone: +46 46 888 32 37
Mobile: +46 721 79 22 37