ISIS Muon school
next in 2016
Didcot, UK

ISIS Muon Training School 2012. Picture Stephen Kill, ISIS
The aim of this school is to provide a practical training course for young researchers on the spectroscopic techniques using muons as probes in condensed matter research. The ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source, at the STFC’s Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), is home to intense beams of pulsed muons for condensed matter investigations. ISIS has previously run six muon spectroscopy training schools (1994, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2012 and 2014), which have provided students with first hand practical experience of running a µSR experiment, together with the background knowledge required to understand the technique’s principles. The goal of the training schools was to provide researchers near the start of their careers with the skills necessary to take the maximum benefit from future facility time, to provide young researchers with valuable experience of working at a large, international facility and to improve knowledge in related fields such as computing and cryogenics.
For more information visit the website
For pictures of the last school please visit our picture gallery
Report on the 2014 school
The school’s participants and organisers told us about their experience. You can get to know all about it by watching the video below and reading the article available here .