LLB calls for proposals: the deadline is October 1st 2015
The deadline for neutron beam time request to perform neutron scattering experiments at the Laboratoire Leon Brillouin in France is October 1st.

The LLB neutron source.
The next deadline for neutron beam time request to perform neutron scattering experiments at the French neutron source LLB-Orphee is October 1st.
You will find all the necessary information on this next call on the Webpage"
Fall news :
- If you would like to do small angle scattering think to the possibility of using TPA to extend your Q range towards low Q.
- If we still accept proposal in French, we encourage users to submit in English and use the new proposal form.
- PA20, our new SANS machine is now open for the first users.
LLB is a facility member of the NMI3 consortium.
NMI3 scientific highlights
Magnets made of non-magnetic metals
Muons were essential to show how non-magnetic metals become magnetic. The experiments at PSI received NMI3 funding. Read more.
New type of radiofrequency spin flippers for Neutron Resonance Spin Echo
The Advanced Methods and Techniques JRA has developed a new type of RFSF to enhance NRSE spectrometers. Read more.
How does an enzyme detoxify the cells of living beings?
Scientists use neutrons to shed light on the reduction of H2O2 to water by CcP, concluding that the process which is focus of a long-standing and highly contentious question need to be reassessed. Read more.