Call for Proposals - Rapid Access at MLZ Instruments

FRM II. Picture: Wenzel Schürmann FRM II/TUM
The present call for proposals within the MLZ Rapid Access programme for the following three instruments has been announced:
- the small angle scattering instrument KWS-2
- the analytic facility for prompt-gamma-activation analysis PGAA
- the high resolution powder diffractometer SPODI
By a fast response process MLZ will allocate, on each instrument, up to a maximum of three beam days per reactor cycle. Each accepted proposal can receive up to a maximum of 12 hours of beam time.
The MLZ Rapid Access programme is devoted to those measurements, which do not fit into the normal proposal workflow with usually two deadlines and reviews per year, such as, for example, for tuning the preparation process or few samples to complete a series of sample measurements previously done.
In case a Rapid Access proposal is accepted, the user will send the samples to the designated local contact that carries out the proposed experiment and will take care of the sample handling/shipment back to the user. Due to the short duration of the measurements a high degree of standardisation is required and the usage of a complicated sample environment is excluded. It is expected that the measurements will be performed at Standard Ambient Temperature and Pressure (SATP) conditions by using a standard sample holder provided by the local contact. However, upon agreement with the local contact, the use of some simple sample environment equipment can be considered. The main proposer will be provided with the raw experimental data as well as pre-treated data for further analysis.
FRM II Reactor Cycle 34
15 October – 13 December 2013
Deadline for Rapid Access proposals' submission
4 October 2013
Proposals submitted after October 4th 2013 will be considered for the next FRM II reactor cycle.
How to apply
- Discuss the proposed experiment with the instrument scientist well in advance – this discussion is mandatory!
- Submit a proposal via the User Office online system (for PGAA and SPODI) or (for KWS-2) - Complete all mandatory fields of the proposal form marked orange
- Upload the two page pdf file with all the technical and scientific details – you can download a template at
- Don't forget to check the checkbox 'Rapid Access'
Please do not forget to upload all your experimental reports for experiments performed; to this respect please see more detailed information at
Further information available at
Your User Office Team
Dr. Ina Lommatzsch
Dr. Flavio Carsughi
User Office
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ)
Lichtenbergstr. 1
D-85747 Garching
Phone: +49.(0)89.289.10703 / 10794 / 11751
Fax: +49-(0)89-289 10799