Open Position at PSI: Head of Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy
Join the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland.

Aerial picture of PSI.
The Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy (LMU) at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Villigen/Switzerland is responsible for the operation of the Swiss Muon Source, a world-class international user facility devoted to high-profile research in physical and material sciences. The facility is used by experimentalists from PSI, university groups and industrial companies. The laboratory has its own strong science program in condensed matter and material research, operates and further develops state of the art muon instruments.
PSI is looking for a Head of Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy.
For further information please refer to the pdf file below or contact Dr Kurt N. Clausen (phone: +41-56-310-3755).
The online announcement together with more detailed information about the application procedure is available here:!/1204
PSI is a member of the NMI3 consortium.
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